• Testosterone therapy does not raise risk of aggressive prostate cancer

    Men with low levels of the male sex hormone testosterone need not fear that testosterone replacement therapy will increase their risk of prostate cancer.

    This is the finding of an analysis of more than a quarter-million medical records of mostly white men in Sweden, research led by investigators at NYU Langone Medical Center and its Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center. The international team of study authors will present these results on May 9 at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association in San Diego, Calif.

    In the study, researchers found that, as a group, men prescribed testosterone for longer than a year had no overall increase in risk of prostate cancer and, in fact, had their risk of aggressive disease reduced by 50 percent.

    “Based on our findings, physicians should still be watching for prostate cancer risk factors — such as being over the age of 40, having African-American ancestry, or having a family history of the disease — in men taking testosterone therapy, but should not hesitate to prescribe it to appropriate patients for fear of increasing prostate cancer risk,” says lead study investigator and NYU Langone urologist Stacy Loeb, MD, MSc.

    Loeb points out that much of the concern over cancer risk is that, as part of standard therapy for advanced prostate cancer, tumor growth is decreased by drugs that drastically reduce rather than increase male hormones. “But when used appropriately by men with age-related low testosterone who are otherwise healthy, testosterone replacement has been shown to improve sexual function and mood.”

    The researchers say use of testosterone therapy — taken by mouth, gel patch, or injection to treat “low T” — has skyrocketed in the past decade. Its popularity is a consequence, experts say, of an aging “boomer” population and heavy drug industry marketing, and has come about despite its unknown, long-term health risks. According to some surveys, use of testosterone therapy has more than tripled since 2001, with more than 2 percent of American men in their 40s and nearly 4 percent of men in their 60s taking it. Testosterone levels drop naturally by about 1 percent per year in men past their 30s.

    Specifically, the current study found that 38,570 of the men whose records were examined developed prostate cancer between 2009 and 2012. Of these men, 284 had prescriptions for testosterone replacement therapy before they were diagnosed with prostate cancer. Their records were compared with 192,838 men who did not develop prostate cancer, of whom 1,378 had used testosterone therapy.

    Researchers noted that while their initial analysis showed an uptick (of 35 percent) in prostate cancer in men shortly after starting therapy, the increase was only in prostate cancers that were at low risk of spreading and was likely a result from more doctor visits and biopsies performed early on. The authors stressed that the long-term reduction in aggressive disease was observed only in men after more than a year of testosterone use, and the risk of prostate cancer did not differ between gels and other types of preparations.

    “Overall, our study suggests that what is best for men’s health is to keep testosterone levels balanced and within a normal range,” says Loeb, who suggests that men with testosterone levels below 350 nanograms per deciliter and symptoms should seek medical advice about whether they should consider testosterone therapy.

    For the study, researchers matched and analyzed data from the National Prostate Cancer Register and the Prescribed Drug Register in Sweden. The country is one of the few in the world that collects detailed information on cancer and medication prescriptions for its entire population, and for which no comparable North American data source exists.

    Loeb says the team next plans further studies to determine why low testosterone levels might trigger aggressive prostate cancer and why maintaining normal levels may protect against aggressive disease.

    Story Source: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/05/160507143326.htm

    The above post is reprinted from materials provided by NYU Langone Medical Center / New York University School of Medicine . Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.

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  • Many men with low testosterone levels do not receive treatment

    The majority of men with androgen deficiency may not be receiving treatment despite having sufficient access to care, according to a report in the May 26 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

    Androgen deficiency in men means the body has lower than normal amounts of male hormones, including testosterone , according to background information in the article. Although prescriptions for testosterone therapy for aging men have increased in recent years, treatment patterns for androgen deficiency are not clearly understood in community-dwelling U.S. males.

    Susan A. Hall, Ph.D., of New England Research Institutes, Watertown, Mass., and colleagues examined data collected from 1,486 Boston-area men (average age 46.4) from April 2002 to June 2005 to estimate the number of men receiving treatment for androgen deficiency, to explain how treated and untreated men varied in seeking care and to understand potential barriers to health care. Specific symptoms of androgen deficiency include low libido, erectile dysfunction and osteoporosis and less-specific symptoms include sleep disturbance, depressed mood and tiredness.

    A total of 97 men met the criteria for having androgen deficiency. Eighty-six men were symptomatic and untreated, and 11 were prescribed testosterone treatment. “Men were using the following: testosterone gel (n=1), testosterone patch (n=3), testosterone cream (n=1), testosterone cypionate [an injectable form of testosterone] (n=1) or unspecified formulations of testosterone (n=5),” the authors write. “All of the unspecified forms of testosterone used were self-reported as administered in intervals defined in weeks, which suggests that these were injectable formulations.”

    “Men with untreated androgen deficiency were the most likely of the three groups to have low socioeconomic status, to have no health insurance and to receive primary care in an emergency department or hospital outpatient clinic,” the authors write. However, all men with treated and untreated androgen deficiency were more likely to report receiving regular care than those without the condition and reported visiting their doctor more often throughout the year (with averages of 15.1 visits for those with untreated androgen deficiency, 6.7 visits for those without the condition and 12 visits for those with treated androgen deficiency).

    “Under our assumptions, a large majority (87.8 percent) of 97 men in our groups with androgen deficiency were not receiving treatment despite adequate access to care,” the authors conclude. “The reasons for this are unknown but could be due to unrecognized androgen deficiency or unwillingness to prescribe testosterone therapy.”

    Article Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2008-05/jaaj-mmw052208.php

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    Several classes of chemical compounds which naturally occur in fruits and vegetables possess anticarcenogenic properties. The cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage and broccoli are particularly rich sources of such compounds, including Indole derivatives [indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and indole-3-acetonitrile], dithilthiones and isothiocyanates. Increased consumption of cruciferous vegetables is associated with reduced tumor incidents in humans and experimental animals.

    Diindolylmethane (DIM, in short) is the principal breakdown product of indole 3-carbinol (I3C), the phytochemical found in cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale, collards, mustard greens, radishes, watercress, and turnips. DIM, has been shown in scientifi­c studies to reduce the risk of prostate and other hormone-driven cancers by helping the body to make a better balance of the hormones.*

    Can taking 250 – 300 mg. of DIM (or its equivalent in raw cruciferous vegetables) reduce your risk for prostate cancer?
    Yes, according to Dr. Michael Zeligs, M.D. author of All About DIM. “A recent study of Seattle men showed that three or more servings of cruciferous vegetables a week can reduce prostate cancer risk almost by half.” His statement is based on an article by J. H. Cohen, et. al. Fruit and vegetable intakes and prostate cancer risk. Natl. Cancer Inst. Jan 2000; 5;92 (1): 61-8.

    The following quotations are taken from All about DIM by Michael A. Zeligs, M.D. and A. Scott Connelly, M.D., based on research related to men’s use of diindolylmethane (DIM) and the phytochemical compounds (indole-3-carbinol) found in cruciferous vegetables from which DIM is derived. Following the quotations is a partial bibliography substantiating the claims made in the article.

    DIM & Testosterone

    What is Testosterone?

    Testosterone is an important contributor to healthy hormonal balance in both men and women. Testosterone is known as an androgen because when its effect dominate male characteristics are seen. These include male distribution of body hair, a deeper voice, and male genital development. Testosterone is also identified as anabolic hormone due to its ability to promote protein synthesis. Active protein synthesis produce bigger muscles and stronger bones, especially in response to exercise. This process also increase metabolic rate and consumes fat, resulting in a leaner physique. The more subtle effects of testosterone have to do with its action as a support for mood and libido. Testosterone has a clear anti-depressant action and promotes interest in sex and men and women.

    How does DIM benefit testosterone activity?

    Testosterone acts differently depending on whether it is free or bound to carrier proteins in the blood. DIM, through its effects on estrogen metabolism supports testosterone by helping to maintain the level of free or active testosterone. Free testosterone refers to defraction of testosterone that circulates in the blood and is not associated with or bound by SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin), its carrier protein. Since only free testosterone easily crosses into the brain, muscles, and fat cells much of the desirable action of testosterone has to do with the free portion. However, this represents only a tiny amount of the total testosterone equal to only to 2% of the total in men and even less in women.

    High levels of SHBG lock up free testosterone making it unavailable to support mood or metabolism. Interestingly, unmetabolized estrogen is the body’s primary signal to increase the production and levels of the testosterone-binding protein. Low levels of free testosterone have been identified during perimenopause and are most dramatic in women with severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms. (24)

    How can DIM help with age-related reduced levels of free testosterone?

    Since DIM promotes a more active metabolism of estrogen, unmetabolized estrogen levels fall and the 2-hydroxy-estrogens increase. The 2-hydroxy-estrogens possess the unique ability to displace testosterone from SHGB and set it free. Therefore, the combined effect of DIM to reduce unmetabolized estrogen and increase 2-hydroxy-estrogens can reduce elevations in SHGB and allow for more free testosterone. Both of these changes help maintain and restore a youthful balance between estrogen and free testosterone. This balance is a key to a healthy and active metabolism. (25)

    Does DIM help maintain a healthy testosterone level in older men?

    Zelligs: “The same dynamics for maintaining higher total and free testosterone levels apply to healthy aging in men. Estrogen metabolism is slowed during aging in men, especially in association with obesity and regular alcohol use.” [translation: As we age, our bodies take longer to “clear” the estrogen in our cells and higher than healthy levels of estrogen are common, especially in men who are obese or who are regular social drinkers.]

    “Avoiding overactive testosterone metabolism, [clearing the testosterone too quickly] and reducing the conversion of testosterone into estrogen are goals of nutritional support in middle aged and older men.”

    “It is well documented that estrogen accumulates in the prostate gland starting at age 50 (42) and that estrogen is associated with the degree of prostate enlargement. (43)

    “Based on animal and human testing, DIM is again preferable to I3C in the area of men’s health. Using DIM in men avoids accelerating testosterone metabolism, especially regarding unwanted conversion of testosterone into estrogen.”

    Does DIM help improve prostate health and reduce night time urination in older men?

    “Regarding men’s health, supplementation with absorbable DIM has resulted in reports of improved prostate function based on reduced nighttime urination in symptomatic older men.”

    “Once absorbed, DIM is uniquely active in promoting healthy estrogen metabolism and improving symptoms of estrogen-related imbalance in both men and women.”

    “Apart from therapeutic potential, dietary supplement use of DIM and I3C relates to hormonal balance and symptoms of “estrogen dominance.”

    Even more impressive is research showing that unmetabolized estrogen accumulates in prostate tissue in men as they age. Exposure of human prostate tissue to unmetabolized estrogen in the laboratory did indeed result in activation and increased production of prostate specific antigen protein (PSA). The PSA protein level in men’s blood is now used as a screening test to determine the severity of prostate enlargement or to determine the chance of prostate cancer. Recent studies also have shown that estradiol, the active form of estrogen, causes the prostate gland to increase its production of prostate specific antigen (PSA). Increased PSA production, however, can be inhibited by the “good” estrogen metabolites promoted by DIM. This indicates that “good” estrogen metabolites are more beneficial for prostate health than unmetabolized estrogen-like estradiol. (53)

    Various supplements, including DIM, can now be used to reduce the risk of prostate enlargement and promote a healthy prostate. Optimum testosterone-2-estrogen hormonal balance achieved with the use of DIM can help to preserve a youthful urinary tract, prevent age-related prostate growth, and perhaps reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

    Long term safety has been demonstrated in DIM.

    Article source: https://wholeworldbotanicals.com/facts-about-dim-and-mens-health/

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  • Controlling Estrogen in Men

    Did you know that women aren’t the only ones with estrogen in their bodies? Men have estrogen too, just not as much as women have. Still, men do need this small amount to be healthy, and overall, estrogen is an important key to achieving hormone balance.

    Estrogen is not a hormone that is “replaced” in the male body; instead, it’s a hormone that needs to be controlled. Men need a small amount of estrogen for things like maintaining strong bones. Estrogen is also cardio-protective in men. But it’s also really important that estrogen levels not get too high, as elevated estrogen levels in men can cause unpleasant symptoms (like weight gain and low sex drive), as well as serious health risks (like an increased risk for developing prostate cancer).

    For these reasons, we closely monitor and control estrogen levels to ensure that they’re optimized. Due to the above mentioned risk factors, it may be necessary to decrease estrogen levels.

    Some Facts about Male Estrogen

    • The male body needs a small amount of estrogen just as the female body needs a small amount of testosterone . High estrogen levels in men should be avoided. Small amounts, however, help brain function, are cardio protective, and help to prevent osteoporosis.
    • Excess estrogen in men can be unhealthy. It counteracts the effects of testosterone, causes the body to retain water, causes sore nipples and swollen breasts, reduces sex drive, can cause the prostate to swell, and increases the risk for developing prostate cancer.
    • In the past, scientists believed that testosterone caused prostate cancer. This is not true. We now know that healthy testosterone levels actually support prostate health. It’s the conversion of testosterone to estrogen that increases the possibility for prostate problems.
    • Estrogen levels rise as men age and as their hormones decline. As they age, men tend to become more sedentary, allowing the body to accumulate fat—primarily belly fat. Fat contains an enzyme called aromatase, which converts testosterone to estrogen.
    • Concentrations of estrogen in the prostate increase as men age.

    The Dangers of High Estrogen Levels in Men

    Excess estrogen in men usually occurs as testosterone declines, because as testosterone declines, most men will accumulate fat–primarily belly fat. Fat contains an enzyme called aromatase; and aromatase converts testosterone to estrogen. In other words, as men age, their body’s tend to exchange testosterone for estrogen.

    When we raise testosterone to healthy levels during hormone replacement therapy, some testosterone can convert to excess estrogen.

    We control estrogen levels as part of our treatment programs by placing men on an estrogen blocker (also called an aromatase inhibitor) if they need it. This means that we use a medication to suppress estrogen conversion, at the same time as they’re increasing testosterone levels.

    By: Heather Schwartzmann, PA-C

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  • Total Testosterone vs. Bioavailable Testosterone: Why SHBG Matters

    Sex Hormone Binding Globulin or SHBG is essential to maximizing the availability of testosterone, the substance every man wants to measure. Today, science is telling us that both men and women need an optimized hormonal profile, and testosterone is widely known to be important for men.

    Why SHBG is Important for Your Health and Performance

    Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is a glycoprotein primarily produced in the liver and most commonly found in the bloodstream. It binds to any of 17 sex hormones, including testosterone and estrogen, and transports these chemicals throughout the body. Testosterone and sex hormones are referred to as “bound” when attached to SHBG. When these hormones are not bound to SHBG, they are referred to as “free”, or “bioavailable”, and can freely exert their effects upon your body. The sum of bound and free testosterone is referred to as total testosterone.

    It is well-known that a proper balance of testosterone and other sex hormones have a crucial impact on your health. Excessively high SHBG is problematic especially for males and athletes because it decreases the amount of free testosterone . High levels of SHBG are associated with infertility, a decreased sex drive, and erectile dysfunction, especially when total testosterone levels are already low. In both men and women, low levels of free testosterone can result in reduced muscle growth and impaired post-workout recovery. Additionally, recent research suggests that high levels of SHBG bind to estrogen and reduce bone mass in both men and women- potentially leading to osteoporosis. Thus, optimal SHBG levels are crucial in maintaining proper bone health and some experts are now suggesting routine measurement of SHBG as a useful new marker for predicting severe bone diseases.

    So how do you know if you need to increase or decrease your SHBG levels? The only way is to get your blood tested. Once you know your SHBG levels, you can make the proper lifestyle changes to modify your levels and optimize your health

    By: Heather Schwartzmann, PA-C

    “The Greatest Health of Your Life”℠

    Boston Testosterone Partners
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  • Mainstream Doctors’ Ineptitude Put on Display in The New England Journal of Medicine

    A study published in the June 30, 2010 edition of The New England Journal of Medicine confirms how little conventional doctors know about prescribing testosterone to aging men.

    The Life Extension Foundation ® (and its medical advisors) long ago recognized that maturing men have a propensity to convert (aromatize) testosterone into estrogen . When you see an overweight man growing breasts, it is not directly because he eats too much. This phenomenon is instead caused by the testosterone he converts to breast-enlarging estrogen.

    When men are prescribed testosterone gels or creams, they sometimes have to take an aromatase-inhibiting drug (like Arimidex®) to prevent their estrogen (measured as estradiol in the blood) from climbing to dangerous levels.

    Optimal estradiol blood levels in men are between 20-30 pg/mL. Elderly males can have much higher estradiol levels that place them at substantial risk for developing coronary atherosclerosis and thrombotic stroke .

    If elderly men are prescribed large doses of topical testosterone gel or cream, their estradiol blood levels have to be tested and properly controlled. Failure to manage estradiol in men receiving high-dose testosterone gel or cream can result in a catastrophic estrogen surge that increases vascular disease risk and premature death.

    Enormous tax dollars squandered on flawed testosterone study

    The Federal government provided a financial grant to an armada of doctors to evaluate the effects of high-dose testosterone on men that were so severely debilitated that they struggled to climb more than 10 stairs or walk the equivalent of two city blocks.

    These men suffered numerous risk factors such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and elevated blood lipids that placed them at higher risk for cardiovascular events. Obese men tend to produce loads of estrogen in their abdominal fat — and typically have higher estradiol levels than thinner men.

    The men with the worst vascular risk factors (such as highest triglyceride levels) were placed on a dose of topical testosterone that is TWICE the standard starting dose. These debilitated men were given testosterone in a way that is more likely to aromatize through the skin into estrogen.

    Men with fewer vascular risk factors were given a placebo gel.

    It should be no surprise to learn that this study was halted prematurely because the debilitated men given the high-dose testosterone (with no aromatase inhibitor) suffered more “atherosclerosis-related events” such as heart attack, stroke, and sudden death.

    The official title of this study is “Adverse Events with Testosterone Administration.” A more accurate title may have been: “Elevated Estrogen Leads to Cardiovascular Events in Older Men.”

    Life Extension writes a letter to these doctors

    The day this study was published, Life Extension wrote the doctors who conducted the study asking if there was any data regarding baseline and post-baseline blood estradiol levels. We have waited over four weeks, and the authors of The New England Journal of Medicine study have not responded to our repeated requests as to whether estradiol levels were ever measured.

    From what was written in the paper, it does not appear that any attention was paid to the estrogen levels in these debilitated men. The authors wrote in the discussion section of the paper, “Testosterone and associated increases in estradiol may promote inflammation, coagulation and platelet aggregation.” Yet these doctors don’t appear to have done anything to evaluate estradiol levels in the unfortunate study subjects given double-dose testosterone with no aromatase inhibitor to suppress the expected estrogen surge .

    This study had numerous other flaws

    Leaving aside the failure to manage estradiol levels in men given high-dose testosterone gel, there were numerous design flaws that call into question any conclusion that can be drawn from this study.

    As mentioned earlier, the testosterone group at baseline was at greater risk for cardiovascular events as manifested by a greater proportion of men in the testosterone group with dyslipidemia who were undergoing statin and antihypertensive drug treatment.

    In addition, triglyceride levels (higher) and HDL levels (lower) were trending against the testosterone group. Clearly, the baseline cardiovascular risk for the testosterone group was higher than the placebo group . The authors claim that a sensitivity analysis, as well as controlling for cardiovascular risk factors, did not change the results, but the small sample size and relatively short trial duration serve to magnify, not minimize, differences due to chance.

    The study was not designed to systematically assess for cardiovascular events, and given the small sample size, lack of consistent pattern of events, diversity of serious events, and small number of serious adverse cardiac events (10 vs. 1) in the two treatment groups before study stoppage in this short duration trial strongly suggest that the results are due to chance. Another explanation of course is that the adverse vascular events were caused by the uncontrolled conversion of the topically-applied testosterone to estradiol in men who were already likely to have dangerously high estradiol blood levels to begin with.

    Fodder for the media

    The published scientific data documents low testosterone as being an independent risk factor for heart attack and a host of other age-related ailments.

    The authors of this study acknowledge the benefits the testosterone group obtained from the drug and openly admitted the limitations of this study in providing guidance about the effects of testosterone on different population groups.

    The media, however, has a propensity to publicize one negative study while ignoring hundreds of positive ones. We will not be surprised to see this horrifically flawed study used for decades to discredit the safety and efficacy of properly prescribed testosterone cream and aromatase-inhibition therapy.

    Importance of blood testing in men supplementing with testosterone

    In response to overwhelmingly favorable studies, record numbers of aging men are rubbing testosterone creams or gels on to their skin each day to restore this vital hormone to youthful levels.

    Within 45-60 days of initiating testosterone replacement therapy, the following blood tests should be done to ensure safety and efficacy:

    • PSA (prostate specific antigen) – To rule out prostate cancer
    • Estradiol – To make sure testosterone is not converting to estrogen
    • Free & Total Testosterone – To make sure enough testosterone is being absorbed
    • CBC/Chemistry – To make sure liver enzymes are normal and red blood production has not increased too much

    Summary of 5 recent peer-reviewed studies noting adverse cardiovascular effects associated with elevated estrogen in aging men:

    1) After adjustment for age, hypertension, diabetes, adiposity, cholesterol, atrial fibrillation, and other characteristics were made in a group of 2,197 men aged 71 to 93 years of age, men with the highest blood levels of estradiol had a 2.2-fold greater risk of stroke compared with those whose estradiol levels were lower. {Reference: Abbott RD, Launer LJ, Rodriguez BL, et al. Serum estradiol and risk of stroke in elderly men. Neurology . 2007 Feb 20;68(8):563-8.}

    2) In a study of 313 men whose average age was 58, carotid artery intima-media thickness was measured at baseline and then three years later. After adjusting for other confounding risk factors, higher levels of estradiol were associated with thickening of the carotid artery wall. Researchers concluded, “Circulating estradiol is a predictor of progression of carotid artery intima-media thickness in middle-aged men.” {Reference: Tivesten A, Hulthe J, Wallenfeldt K, et al. Circulating estradiol is an independent predictor of progression of carotid artery intima-media thickness in middle-aged men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab . 2006 Nov;91(11):4433-7.}

    3) In an angiographic trial of coronary atherosclerosis in a group of men with stable coronary artery disease, significant positive correlations between estradiol levels and other known atherosclerotic risk factors was observed. Researchers concluded, “Our results indicate a possible role of estradiol in promoting the development of atherogenic lipid milieu in men with coronary artery disease.” {Reference: Wranicz JK, Cygankiewicz I, Rosiak M, et al. The relationship between sex hormones and lipid profile in men with coronary artery disease. Int J Cardiol . 2005 May 11;101(1):105-10.}

    4) In another angiographic trial of coronary atherosclerosis in men aged 40-60 years, compared with healthy age-matched controls, men with coronary atherosclerosis had higher levels of estrone and a low level of testosterone in the presence of a high level of estradiol. Researchers concluded, “Low levels of total testosterone, testosterone/estradiol ratio and free androgen index and higher levels of estrone in men with coronary artery disease appear together with many features of metabolic syndrome and may be involved in the pathogenesis of coronary atherosclerosis.” {Reference: Dunajska K, Milewicz A, Szymczak J, et al. Evaluation of sex hormone levels and some metabolic factors in men with coronary atherosclerosis. Aging Male . 2004 Sep;7(3):197-204.}

    5) In a study of men having suffered an acute myocardial infarction (heart attack), a prior heart attack, and patients with normal coronary arteries, the results showed significantly higher levels of estradiol in both groups of heart attack patients compared with those without coronary disease. {Reference: Mohamad MJ, Mohammad MA, Karayyem M, Hairi A, Hader AA. Serum levels of sex hormones in men with acute myocardial infarction. Neuro Endocrinol Lett . 2007 Apr;28(2):182-6.}

    Article Source: http://www.lifeextension.com/Featured-Articles/2010/7/Doctors-Ineptitude-Put-on-Display/Page-01

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  • Why the FDA Is Wrong about Testosterone

    By Craig Stamos

    In men aged 30 years and older, testosterone levels steadily fall at a rate of about 1% per year. 1,2

    Researchers at the National Institute on Aging 3 have established low testosterone levels in:

    • 20% of men over age 60
    • 30% of men over age 70
    • 50% of men over age 80

    These percentages understate the magnitude of this problem as they fail to consider the majority of aging men who fail to achieve optimal testosterone and estrogen balance.

    By properly balancing testosterone and estrogen , a reversal in many age-related disorders has been found. This includes improvements in libido, bone density, muscle mass, strength, body composition, mood, red blood cell formation, cognition, quality of life, and cardiovascular disease. 2,4,5

    Yet despite these proven benefits, the FDA recently mandated a black box warning label be affixed to prescription testosterone drugs. 6 A black box warning is the strongest possible warning issued by the FDA and impliess erious risks associated with a drug.

    This irresponsible and scientifically invalid decision threatens to discourage millions of eligible men from taking advantage of the genuine benefits of testosterone replacement therapy.

    The FDA’s decision seems to be based on a small number of poorly designed, poorly conducted studies, some of which appeared to show an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes in men undergoing such therapy. 7-12 Yet the preponderance of the data shows marked decreases in heart attack and stroke risk in response to higher testosterone levels.

    In a large study published in 2015 , men treated with testosterone had a 24% reduction in heart attack risk and a 36% reduction in risk of stroke. 13 The most exciting revelation about this new study was that the risk of dying from any cause was 56% lower in treated men whose testosterone blood levels normalized, compared with untreated individuals.

    With a wealth of studies showing positive benefits, and in the face of the FDA’s irrational decision based on flawed studies, it is time to review the good science on this issue, and to make balanced recommendations about testosterone replacement therapy.

    Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    Testosterone levels begin a gradual fall as men enter their 30s! 1,2

    This matters because declining testosterone levels are associated with muscle atrophy and weakness, osteoporosis, reduced sexual functioning, increased fat mass, metabolic syndrome, diabetes risk, cognitive impairment, depression, and an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. 14-16 Furthermore, men with low levels of testosterone are up to 51% more likely to develop frailty, a condition associated with early death, compared to those with higher levels. 17

    Used appropriately, and with regular blood tests , testosterone replacement therapy can reverse many of these age-related disorders. Testosterone replacement therapy has been shown to improve libido and sexual function, bone density, muscle mass, strength, body composition, mood, red blood cell formation, cognition, and quality of life, as well as reduce cardiovascular disease. 2,4,5 It has even been suggested that testosterone replacement therapy preserves new brain cell growth in the hippocampus, the main memory area of the brain and the one that loses neurons with age. 13

    Perhaps most importantly, the life-shortening effects of low testosterone can be substantially reversed by testosterone replacement therapy in many men. By one estimate, testosterone replacement therapy can increase longevity by about 2% per year. 18 After five years, survival rates are back in line with those of men with normal testosterone levels. 19

    Simply put, testosterone replacement therapy offers a wealth of health benefits for older men. It is approved by the FDA for patients with signs and symptoms of low testosterone who also have documented low blood levels of the hormone. 13,20 The diagnosis of age-related low testosterone is rising, with an estimated 2.4 million American men 40 through 69 years old suffering from the condition. 13,21

    The FDA’s approval criteria, however, excludes the majority of aging men who could benefit by boosting their testosterone level while suppressing excess estrogen when blood test results indicate.

    All of this means that more men than ever could benefit from testosterone replacement. Unfortunately, many of these men—or their doctors—will avoid this beneficial therapy due to the FDA’s recent black box warning.

    FDA Sows Seeds of Unnecessary Fear

    It seems evident that testosterone replacement therapy offers compelling benefits when given to men with genuine symptoms of age-related testosterone deficiency and documented low blood levels of the hormone.

    Yet in mid-2015, when the FDA instituted a black box warning on testosterone replacement therapy for older men, they asserted that neither the safety nor the benefits of such therapy had been established, and cited, in particular, a “ possible increased risk of heart attacks and strokes ” in patients taking testosterone. 6

    Testosterone cannot be obtained without a prescription. In today’s litigation-prone society, that black box warning is likely to dissuade physicians from prescribing testosterone replacement therapy.

    But a careful examination of the published literature tells another story. Properly restoring sex hormone balance in aging men confers protection against heart attack and stroke via multiple mechanisms. The FDA chose to ignore these many studies showing disease risk reduction in men with higher testosterone blood levels.

    When researchers evaluate the impact that a drug has on humans, the standard practice is to determine the levels of the drug in plasma or serum after administration of the drug. That common-sense design parameter was lacking in most of the studies on which the FDA based its labeling decision.

    FDA actions are supposed to be based on multiple high-quality studies to assess safety and efficacy. 22 This “evidence-based-medicine” approach is now standard in peer-reviewed medical research and policymaking, but it was apparently overlooked by the FDA’s decision-makers.

    Instead, studies on which the black box labeling decision was made demonstrate considerable inconsistencies and very small clinically important treatment effects. 7-12

    Of the studies included, only two showed an association between testosterone replacement and increased risk of cardiovascular events. Here is a review of the studies apparently used by the FDA in its labeling decision.

    The Truth about Testosterone

    • Testosterone replacement therapy is well established as a means of improving an aging man’s vigor, sexual performance, strength, bone density, and more.
    • But recent black box warning labeling by the FDA is likely to frighten some physicians and patients away from this effective therapy, based on spurious concerns about cardiovascular risks.
    • Careful review of the literature shows that studies prior to 2015 were poorly designed and many failed to check testosterone levels after treatment, a basic consideration in any therapeutic trial.
    • A large study published in 2015 convincingly demonstrates that testosterone treatment produces a substantial reduction in the risk of dying and of having a heart attack or stroke in men whose testosterone levels normalized with therapy.
    • Any man with symptoms of malaise, fatigue, diminished strength, lower sexual performance, cognitive problems, or a host of other symptoms ought to have total and free testosterone levels checked, and then initiate testosterone replacement therapy with proper monitoring of post-treatment levels.

    Flawed Study #1

    The first study was a retrospective, observational study by Rebecca Vigen, MD, MSCS, and colleagues published in the September 5, 2013, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association ( JAMA ). The study suggests testosterone therapy may increase risk of death and certain cardiovascular events. 7 However, there are several significant shortcomings in the study’s design and methodology, and the results conflict with the existing body of research.

    The goal of testosterone restoration in most cases is to restore youthful blood levels of the hormone. Typically, Life Extension ® suggests men target a blood level of total testosterone between 700 and 900 ng/dL for optimal health.

    In studies designed to assess the impact of testosterone replacement therapy, one of the most important considerations is to measure subjects’ blood levels of testosterone regularly throughout the study period. This allows the scientists conducting the study to make sure subjects are taking their testosterone as directed and that their blood levels are rising as expected.

    Unbelievably, in the flawed analysis by Vigen and colleagues, only 60% of study subjects receiving testosterone had a follow-up blood test to assess their testosterone levels. Among them, average testosterone levels rose from a very low level of 175.5 ng/dL at baseline to a still far-from-optimal level of 332.2 ng/dL during testosterone therapy.

    Raising testosterone levels from a paltry 175.5 ng/dL to only 332.2 ng/dL is unlikely to deliver robust health benefits. In fact, research has shown that restoring testosterone levels to 500 ng/dL or higher is associated with pronounced health benefits, whereas benefits may be less evident at lower levels. 23,24

    One of the biggest perils facing aging men is the conversion of their testosterone into estrogen by the aromatase enzyme. 25

    Aromatase converts testosterone and other androgens into estrogen , primarily estradiol. Although some conversion of testosterone to estradiol is essential for health, too much conversion can have devastating consequences for men.

    In one study, men with heart failure and high levels of estradiol had an increased risk of death compared to men whose levels of estradiol were in a balanced, middle range of 21.8 to 30.11 pg/mL . 26 These findings support Life Extension ® ’s suggested optimal estradiol level of 20 to 30 pg/mL . Moreover, excess estrogen promotes abnormal clot formation, 27 and high levels may be associated with an increased risk of stroke. 28

    When men take testosterone, there is a propensity for it to be converted into estradiol by aromatase, and this is especially so for aging men. 29 It is therefore important that men undergoing testosterone therapy monitor their estradiol levels regularly and take steps like using an aromatase-inhibiting drug to keep estradiol levels in the optimal range in order to protect against the health detriments of excess estrogen.

    In the paper published by Vigen and colleagues, there was no report of the subjects’ estradiol levels. If estradiol was not monitored during testosterone administration, this oversight means that the men receiving testosterone could have experienced a concurrent rise in estradiol levels. This may have compromised their cardiovascular health and could partially account for the increased risk observed in the testosterone-treated group.

    Lastly, among the men in this flawed JAMA study, there was a statistically significant difference in baseline testosterone levels between the “testosterone therapy” (treatment) and “no-testosterone” (control) groups.

    Among the control group, testosterone levels were higher at baseline ( 206.5 ng/dL ), whereas the average level was significantly lower at baseline ( 175.5 ng/dL ) for those who received a prescription for testosterone.

    The treatment group may have had significantly lower levels of testosterone than the control group for years prior to entering the study. The damage caused by years of potentially lower testosterone levels was not accounted for in the study and may have skewed the results.

    Flawed Study #2

    The second study by William Finkle, PhD, and colleagues was retrospective and observational. The design of this study limits the interpretation of the findings because subjects were treated in a clinical setting and were not randomized to treatment. 8

    The validity of this study is hampered by several methodological flaws. A striking concern is again the failure of the researchers to account for estradiol levels among the men who received a testosterone prescription. As mentioned previously, aging men quickly convert exogenous testosterone into estradiol via action of the aromatase enzyme. Studies have shown that cardiovascular risk correlates with higher estrogen/estradiol levels among men. 26,30,31

    Aromatase activity increases with age among men, 29 a paradigm whose repercussions are potentially highlighted by this flawed study. Older men (65 years and older) in this study were more likely to experience a non-fatal heart attack after receiving a testosterone prescription than younger men. This is potentially due to increased conversion of the added testosterone medication to estradiol among the older men.

    It is concerning that conventional physicians and researchers continue to prescribe men testosterone without monitoring their estradiol levels and, if needed, prescribing an aromatase-inhibiting drug such as anastrozole (Arimidex ® ).

    The researchers specifically acknowledged the potentially harmful cardiovascular-related effects of excess estrogen by stating:

    “TT (testosterone therapy) also increases circulating estrogens…which may play a role in the observed excess of adverse cardiovascular-related events, given that estrogen therapy has been associated with this excess in both men and women… The mechanisms linking estrogens to thrombotic events (heart attacks) may be related to markers of activated coagulation, decreased coagulation inhibitors, and activated protein C resistance…”

    Unfortunately, despite this acknowledgment, the researchers did not assess estradiol levels.

    Interestingly, out of the five observational studies included in the FDA’s decision to add a black label warning to testosterone treatment, the two flawed studies mentioned above apparently were the ones that prompted the decision, as the other two studies in the review showed a statistically significant benefit with testosterone replacement, 11,12 and the remaining study was inconclusive. 10

    If these were the only studies available to consider, the FDA might be pardoned for making a conservative decision out of an abundance of caution.

    But several studies had already been published that showed either no effect, or genuine benefits, of testosterone replacement therapy on men’s cardiovascular risks. Let’s take a look.

    Beneficial Studies Ignored by FDA

    An observational study published in 2012 demonstrated significant reductions in total mortality in men who received testosterone replacement therapy. 11

    This study included 1,031 male veterans aged 40 and older, 398 of whom were treated with testosterone. All of the men had testosterone levels that were less than 251 ng/dL . Among testosterone-treated men, 10.3% died over the course of four years. In the untreated (no testosterone) group, twice that number ( 20.7% ) died during the same period. After statistical adjustment for possible biasing factors, the testosterone-treated men were found to be 39% less likely to die of any cause than were untreated men.

    In another study based on a national sample of older Medicare beneficiaries, 6,355 patients received testosterone injections while 19,065 men did not receive treatment. 10 This study showed no association with risk for myocardial infarction (heart attack) over nearly eight years. In fact, in men who began the study with the highest calculated risk score for heart attack, testosterone therapy was associated with a 31% reduction in risk.

    Study Debunks FDA’s Position and Shows Testosterone Benefits Heart Health

    For the past 19 years, Life Extension ® has published numerous articles on the proper use of testosterone restoration therapy. The FDA’s insistence that testosterone drugs carry a black box warning is the antithesis of what the totality of the scientific literature clearly states on this critical issue for aging males.

    A large study published in 2015 convincingly demonstrates the FDA’s action of mandating a black box warning is based on junk science.

    This study evaluated a cohort of male veterans receiving care at Veterans Health Administration facilities over a 13-year period. 13 Unlike many of the previous studies, this one was specifically designed to examine the effects of testosterone replacement therapy on specific cardiovascular outcomes (namely heart attack and stroke) as well as on all-cause mortality.

    The most important difference between this and prior studies, in addition to its large size (83,010 total subjects), was that it determined, for each subject, whether blood testosterone levels normalized or not. 13 The researchers divided the subjects into three groups:

    • Men whose total testosterone was normalized after treatment (43,931 men)
    • Men whose total testosterone continued to be low even after treatment (25,701 men), and
    • Men who were untreated with testosterone and continued to have low total testosterone (13,378 men).

    The researchers then analyzed the rates of heart attack, stroke, and death from any cause between the three groups. 13

    This unique study design allowed for the first-ever comparison of men who attained normal testosterone levels with those who did not, as well as with those who were never treated at all. For the first time, it was possible to examine actual biological effects of therapy in considering whether such therapy was dangerous.

    This is a rational and obvious approach, but one never taken before, including in any of the studies evaluated by the FDA for its ruling.

    First, the researchers compared the largest group (men whose testosterone normalized with treatment) to the untreated subjects. They found that the treated group had a 24% reduction in the risk of heart attack and a 36% reduction in the risk of stroke. 13 This comparison also revealed that the risk of dying from any cause was a significant 56% lower in treated men whose testosterone levels normalized, compared with untreated individuals.

    Researchers also compared the group whose levels were normalized with those who were treated but had not achieved normal levels. In this comparison, the group whose levels were normalized experienced an 18% reduction in the risk of heart attack, a 30% reduction in stroke risk, and a 47% reduced risk of death by all causes compared to those treated with testosterone therapy but who did not achieve normal levels. All of the results were statistically significant.

    When comparing the treated group that did not achieve normal testosterone levels with the untreated group, the only significant difference was a modest 16% reduction in all-cause mortality. No changes were seen between these groups in heart attack or stroke risk.

    This study was enormous in terms of how many people it studied compared with the studies that preceded it. By tracking actual testosterone levels in response to treatment, the researchers were able to expose what is likely to be the biggest contributor to inconsistent results in previous studies. In those studies, failing to check testosterone blood levels essentially combined responders and non-responders together, leading to a failed study.

    Even prior to this compelling and well-designed study based on data reviewed here and elsewhere, Dr. Abraham Morgentaler of Harvard Medical School, a renowned expert on testosterone and men’s health, had concluded that:

    “There is no convincing evidence of increased cardiovascular risks with testosterone therapy. On the contrary, there appears to be a strong beneficial relationship between normal testosterone and cardiovascular health that has not yet been widely appreciated.” 32

    An Expert’s Recommendations for Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    After a recent World Meeting on Sexual Medicine in Chicago, Dr. Morgentaler summarized expert consensus regarding testosterone replacement therapy, especially in the context of these spurious concerns about cardiovascular health: 33

    1. All experts emphasized the essential role of symptoms for diagnosis of testosterone deficiency. (In other words, a low testosterone level without symptoms should not necessarily require testosterone therapy, but a high or normal level with symptoms should not rule it out.)
    2. Blood levels of total testosterone indicating a deficiency are in the 350 to 400 ng/dL range, but free testosterone should also be determined and was recommended by all experts for clinical decision-making.
    3. Two tests of testosterone on separate occasions were recommended by most experts.
    4. In men with symptoms but with normal total testosterone levels, a therapeutic trial of testosterone therapy, to be continued if beneficial effects are achieved, was considered potentially useful.
    5. Recent studies suggesting an elevated cardiovascular risk with testosterone therapy were not found to be credible.


    The prestigious New England Journal of Medicine recently published an important study that confirms the multiple benefits of testosterone therapy in aging men. 34

    With recent concerns about the safety and benefits of testosterone therapy raised by the FDA that resulted in an alarming black box warning, this clinical trial conducted by the Institute of Medicine confirmed that testosterone therapy benefits older men with low testosterone levels with regard to sexual function, activity, and performance.

    The results of this study entirely vindicate those who have long recognized the value of appropriate testosterone replacement on men’s sexual function and physical performance.

    The study enlisted 790 men aged 65 years or older, who had both blood testosterone levels less than 275 ng/dL and symptoms of low testosterone (that’s important because men can have symptoms without low levels, and also low levels without symptoms, highlighting the need for blood testing before treatment). Men were treated with either a testosterone 1% gel or placebo gel for one year. The starting dose was 5 grams testosterone per day, which was adjusted after periodic blood testing to sustain blood testosterone levels within the normal range for younger men aged 19-40.

    The findings were unequivocally in favor of the testosterone supplement.

    First, treatment successfully raised blood testosterone levels to the mid-normal range for younger men, demonstrating that the dosing scheme was correct and appropriate.

    Second, those increased testosterone levels were significantly associated with increased sexual activity, sexual desire, and erectile function (remember, the subjects were all older than 65 years). In addition, 20.5% of men receiving testosterone had an increase in a six minute walking test of at least 50 meters (55 yards), significantly more than the 12.6% of men receiving placebo. Men in the testosterone group also reported greater energy levels, and those with the largest increases in testosterone had a greater increase in a score of vitality (less fatigue).

    Finally, men treated with testosterone demonstrated an improvement in mood and a reduction in depressive symptoms compared with those receiving placebo gel.

    In summary, it is now clear that older men with proven low testosterone levels and associated symptoms stand to benefit from testosterone supplementation aimed at keeping their levels in line with those of much younger men.

    This study also highlights the importance of blood testosterone measurement before and during testosterone treatment. While the risks of treatment appear to be low, this study did not have the statistical power to demonstrate a difference in risk between placebo and testosterone therapy, so it is imperative that men contemplating testosterone supplementation undergo testing and work with their physician to achieve optimal results.

    The favorable findings in this trial likely would have been even better if the researchers had made a concerted effort to individualize treatment and target optimal ranges of total testosterone (Life Extension ® suggests 700 to 900 ng/dL ) and free testosterone (Life Extension ® suggests 20 to 25 pg/mL ) as well as balance estradiol levels within a range of 20 to 30 pg/mL following testosterone restoration in these aging men. In this study, estradiol levels ballooned to nearly 50% greater than baseline following testosterone administration. Life Extension ® has long recognized the importance of controlling for estrogen balance in aging men. For example, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association measured blood estradiol in men with chronic heart failure. Compared to men in the balanced estrogen quintile, men in the highest quintile (estradiol levels of 37.40 pg/mL or greater) were significantly more likely to die. Those in the lowest estradiol quintile (estradiol levels under 12.90 pg/mL ) also had an increased death rate compared to the group in estrogen balance. The men in the balanced quintile—with the fewest deaths—had serum estradiol levels between 21.80 and 30.11 pg/mL 26 .


    There is no question that in men with symptoms of testosterone deficiency, testosterone replacement therapy produces substantial benefits. 13,32,33

    But a recent labeling action by the FDA is almost certain to frighten many men and their physicians away from using this important treatment. Unfortunately, this decision was based on junk science purporting to show an increased cardiovascular risk in men using the therapy.

    We conducted a careful review of the evidence the FDA used to make this decision, coupled with results from recent large, carefully designed studies. What this shows is that in men who achieve normalization of their testosterone levels on replacement therapy, the risks of cardiovascular disease are not only no higher than average, but are in fact lower.

    It is impossible to overstate the importance of:

    • Getting hormone blood levels checked (including total and free testosterone and estradiol) for men with symptoms consistent with age-related testosterone deficiency.
    • Repeating the tests after several months to determine whether levels are normalized. If levels are not normalized, raising the dose of testosterone and rechecking in another few months is ideal. 13

    There is no reason to let the FDA’s scare tactics stand in the way of a proven means of improving men’s quality of life, vigor, and sexual performance, while improving their cardiovascular status. All men with symptoms should have their levels checked and start on testosterone replacement therapy as indicated.

    It should start with a comprehensive blood test panel that measures all sex hormones, PSA, liver function, and blood cell counts. With the results of this blood test in hand, a competent physician and an empowered patient can together safely restore youthful hormone balance.

    Article Source: http://www.lifeextension.com/Magazine/2016/5/Why-the-FDA-Is-Wrong-about-Testosterone/Page-01

    “The Greatest Health of Your Life”℠
    Boston Testosterone Partners
    National Testosterone Restoration for Men
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    855-617-MEDS (6337)


    1. Brawer MK. Testosterone replacement in men with andropause: an overview. Rev Urol. 2004;6(Suppl 6):S9-S15.
    2. Kazi M, Geraci SA, Koch CA. Considerations for the diagnosis and treatment of testosterone deficiency in elderly men. Am J Med. 2007;120(10):835-40.
    3. Harman SM, Metter EJ, Tobin JD, et al. Longitudinal effects of aging on serum total and free testosterone levels in healthy men. Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001;86(2):724-31.
    4. Bassil N, Morley JE. Late-life onset hypogonadism: a review. Clin Geriatr Med. 2010;26(2):197-222.
    5. Bassil N, Alkaade S, Morley JE. The benefits and risks of testosterone replacement therapy: a review. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2009;5(3):427-48.
    6. Available at: http://www.fda.gov/drugs/drugsafety/ucm436259.htm . Accessed December 15, 2015.
    7. Vigen R, O’Donnell CI, Baron AE, et al. Association of testosterone therapy with mortality, myocardial infarction, and stroke in men with low testosterone levels. JAMA. 2013;310(17):1829-36.
    8. Finkle WD, Greenland S, Ridgeway GK, et al. Increased risk of non-fatal myocardial infarction following testosterone therapy prescription in men. PLoS One. 2014;9(1):e85805.
    9. Xu L, Freeman G, Cowling BJ, et al. Testosterone therapy and cardiovascular events among men: a systematic review and meta-analysis of placebo-controlled randomized trials. BMC Med. 2013;11:108.
    10. Baillargeon J, Urban RJ, Kuo YF, et al. Risk of myocardial infarction in older men receiving testosterone therapy. Ann Pharmacother. 2014;48(9):1138-44.
    11. Shores MM, Smith NL, Forsberg CW, et al. Testosterone treatment and mortality in men with low testosterone levels. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012;97(6):2050-8.
    12. Muraleedharan V, Marsh H, Kapoor D, et al. Testosterone deficiency is associated with increased risk of mortality and testosterone replacement improves survival in men with type 2 diabetes. Eur J Endocrinol. 2013;169(6):725-33.
    13. Sharma R, Oni OA, Gupta K, et al. Normalization of testosterone level is associated with reduced incidence of myocardial infarction and mortality in men. Eur Heart J. 2015.
    14. Ransome MI. Could androgens maintain specific domains of mental health in aging men by preserving hippocampal neurogenesis? Neural Regen Res. 2012;7(28):2227-39.
    15. Moskovic DJ, Araujo AB, Lipshultz LI, et al. The 20-year public health impact and direct cost of testosterone deficiency in U.S. men. J Sex Med. 2013;10(2):562-9.
    16. Ungureanu MC, Costache, II, Preda C, et al. Myths and controversies in hypogonadism treatment of aging males. Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi. 2015;119(2):325-33.
    17. Cawthon PM, Ensrud KE, Laughlin GA, et al. Sex hormones and frailty in older men: the osteoporotic fractures in men (MrOS) study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009;94(10):3806-15.
    18. Comhaire F, Mahmoud A. The andrologist’s contribution to a better life for ageing men: part 1. Andrologia. 2015.
    19. Comhaire F. Hormone replacement therapy and longevity. Andrologia. 2015.
    20. Bhasin S, Cunningham GR, Hayes FJ, et al. Testosterone therapy in men with androgen deficiency syndromes: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010;95(6):2536-59.
    21. Araujo AB, O’Donnell AB, Brambilla DJ, et al. Prevalence and incidence of androgen deficiency in middle-aged and older men: estimates from the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004;89(12):5920-6.
    22. Available at: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~biomed/resources.htmld/guides/ebm_resources.shtml . Accessed December 22, 2015.
    23. Aversa A, Bruzziches R, Francomano D, et al. Effects of testosterone undecanoate on cardiovascular risk factors and atherosclerosis in middle-aged men with late-onset hypogonadism and metabolic syndrome: results from a 24-month, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J Sex Med. 2010;7(10):3495-503.
    24. Ohlsson C, Barrett-Connor E, Bhasin S, et al. High serum testosterone is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular events in elderly men. The MrOS (Osteoporotic Fractures in Men) study in Sweden. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011;58(16):1674-81.
    25. Jasuja GK, Travison TG, Davda M, et al. Age trends in estradiol and estrone levels measured using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry in community-dwelling men of the Framingham Heart Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013;68(6):733-40.
    26. Jankowska EA, Rozentryt P, Ponikowska B, et al. Circulating estradiol and mortality in men with systolic chronic heart failure. JAMA. 2009;301(18):1892-901.
    27. Colmou A. Estrogens and vascular thrombosis. Soins Gynecol Obstet Pueric Pediatr. 1982(16):39-41.
    28. Abbott RD, Launer LJ, Rodriguez BL, et al. Serum estradiol and risk of stroke in elderly men. Neurology. 2007;68(8):563-8.
    29. Lakshman KM, Kaplan B, Travison TG, et al. The effects of injected testosterone dose and age on the conversion of testosterone to estradiol and dihydrotestosterone in young and older men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2010;95(8):3955-64.
    30. Phillips GB, Pinkernell BH, Jing TY. The association of hyperestrogenemia with coronary thrombosis in men. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1996;16(11):1383-7.
    31. Phillips GB. Is atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease an endocrinological disorder? The estrogen-androgen paradox. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005;90(5):2708-11.
    32. Morgentaler A, Miner MM, Caliber M, et al. Testosterone therapy and cardiovascular risk: advances and controversies. Mayo Clin Proc. 2015;90(2):224-51.
    33. Morgentaler A, Khera M, Maggi M, et al. Commentary: Who is a candidate for testosterone therapy? A synthesis of international expert opinions. J Sex Med. 2014;11(7):1636-45.
    34. Snyder PJ, Bhasin S, Cunningham GR, et al. Effects of testosterone treatment in older men . NEJM. 2016; 374:611-24.

  • Poor Oral Health May Signal Prostate Issues

    Prostatitis is a chronic inflammation of the prostate gland that can compromise a man’s quality of life. Naif Alwithanani, from Case Western Reserve University (Ohio, USA), and colleagues studied 27 men, ages 21 years and older, each of whom were diagnosed with prostatitis within the past year (via biopsy and prostate specific antigen [PSA] test). The men were assessed for symptoms of prostate disease by answering questions on the International-Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) test. Of the 27 participants, 21 had no or mild inflammation, but 15 had biopsy-confirmed malignancies, and 2 had both inflammation and a malignancy. Each of the subjects had at least 18 teeth, and all of them showed moderate to severe gum disease. They received treatment and were tested again for periodontal disease four to eight weeks later and showed significant improvement. During the periodontal care, the men received no treatment for their prostate conditions. But even without prostate treatment, 21 of the 27 men showed decreased levels of PSA. Those with the highest levels of inflammation benefited the most from the periodontal treatment. Six participants showed no changes. Symptom scores on the IPSS test also showed improvement. The study authors write that: “Periodontal treatment improved prostate symptom score and lowered PSA value in men afflicted with chronic periodontitis.”

    Article Source: http://www.worldhealth.net/news/poor-oral-health-may-signal-prostate-issues/

  • No Evidence of TRT Link to Prostate Cancer

    Examination of a national health database failed to find a relationship between testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and prostate cancer risk. In fact, over the long term, a reduction in the risk of aggressive prostate cancer was observed in men treated with TRT, similar to previous observations.

    The analysis uncovered a halving of the risk of aggressive prostate cancer with TRT when used for more than 1 year compared with controls. The findings were presented by Stacy Loeb, MD, from the New York University Langone Cancer Center, New York City, at the 2016 annual meeting of the American Urological Association.

    The study population consisted of 38,570 prostate cancer cases diagnosed between 2009 and 2012 from the National Prostate Cancer Register of Sweden. Serving as controls were 192,838 men matched on birth year and place of residence. These databases were linked to the Prescribed Drug Register of Sweden, which allowed the researchers to obtain information on the type, dose, and duration of TRT.

    Of the 38,570 prostate cancer cases, 284 had used testosterone at some point before their prostate cancer diagnosis. Of the men with prostate cancer, 59% had favorable disease and 38% had aggressive disease. Of the 192,838 controls, 1,378 had used testosterone. The median age was 69 years in both groups.

    No association was found between TRT and the overall risk of prostate cancer when adjusted for comorbidity, marital status, and level of education.

    “The type of testosterone didn’t matter,” said Loeb. “We looked at whether they used gel, injections, or other types, and there was no difference in prostate cancer risk based on the mode of administration.”

    When examined by risk group, TRT users had an increased risk of being diagnosed with favorable prostate cancer (OR 1.35, 95% CI 1.16-1.56). The greatest risk of being diagnosed with favorable disease occurred within the first year of TRT use, which suggests detection bias, she said, since guidelines in Sweden recommend enhanced screening for prostate cancer during the first year of TRT use.

    TRT was associated with a 50% reduction in the risk of aggressive prostate cancer, “and this became much stronger and significant in long-term use,” similar to the findings in other series, she said.

    Speculating on the mechanism behind the large reduction in risk of aggressive disease with long-term TRT use, Loeb pointed to a large body of literature that suggests that hypogonadal men have more aggressive disease. Activation of prostate tumor-promoting pathways and genetic changes have been observed in a low testosterone environment, she said.

    “We hypothesize that for these men, restoring them back to normal testosterone levels may mitigate the risk of what seems to be a more aggressive phenotype of tumors developing in a low testosterone environment.”

    Ahmad Haider, MD, a urology and andrology specialist in Bremerhaven, Germany, and colleagues also found that TRT in hypogonadal men does not increase the risk of prostate cancer. His group looked at registry data from 656 symptomatic hypogonadal men (total testosterone levels ≤348 ng/dL) with a mean age of 61 years. Some 360 men received parenteral testosterone undecanoate, dosed at 1,000 mg/12 weeks following an initial 6-week interval, for up to 10 years. The other 296 men who opted against TRT served as controls.

    Both groups were followed for a mean of 78.0 months. The proportion diagnosed with prostate cancer over this time was 1.9% in the TRT group and 4.1% in the controls. The incidence of prostate cancer per 10,000 patient years was found to be 31 in the TRT group compared with 64 in controls. Of those in the TRT group who developed prostate cancer, 100% had a Gleason score ≤3, compared with only 25% of the controls, again suggesting a more severe phenotype without TRT. Two-thirds of untreated controls who had prostate cancer had Gleason 4 disease, and 42% had positive surgical margin, noted Haider.

    “Hypogonadism by itself may increase the rate of high-grade prostate cancer.”

    A third study confirmed the lack of relationship between TRT and incident prostate cancer in hypogonadal men, this one an analysis of U.S. veterans reported by Thomas J. Walsh, MD, at the University of Washington in Seattle.

    Almost 15,000 U.S. veterans with laboratory-defined low testosterone formed the study population. Some 40% of the men received either intramuscular TRT, topical TRT, or both. Sixty percent received no testosterone treatment. The median follow-up for the entire cohort was 3 years.

    About 1% of the men were diagnosed with prostate cancer, and of these, 22% were aggressive cancers. The incidence of all prostate cancer per 1,000 person-years was 2.52 in the men treated with TRT and 2.78 in those not treated.

    The adjusted risk of all prostate cancer was not significantly different between treated and untreated men (HR 0.90, 95% CI 0.81-1.10), and neither was the risk of aggressive prostate cancer (HR 0.89, 95% CI 0.70-1.13). The results did not change significantly when assessing TRT by the formulation of testosterone.

    “I would not look at this and say there is a protective effect of testosterone,” said Walsh. “I think there is evidence for absence of risk, but I would not call this evidence of protection.”

    Article Source: http://www.medpagetoday.com/meetingcoverage/aua/57881

  • Long-term treatment key to safe testosterone replacement therapy: study

    A newly released study suggests that prolonged treatment may be the key to reducing the serious health risks commonly associated with testosterone replacement therapy .

    The controversial treatment is aimed at increasing testosterone levels among men who are lacking the hormone. The supplements can be administered as skin patches, gels, implants or injections.

    But the safety of hormone replacement therapy has come into question in recent years, with several studies suggesting sudden spikes in testosterone levels may increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and prostate cancer.

    In March of 2015, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agency placed heart attack and stroke warning label warnings on testosterone supplements.

    But the new study, authored by Dr. Robert Nam at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, suggests the length of the treatment — and not the drugs themselves — may be the key to making it safe.

    Nam’s study followed 38,000 men with low testosterone . It found that those who had got the lowest doses of the hormone showed higher rates of heart attacks and strokes in their first two to three months of treatment. The therapy, however, had the opposite effect on those who continued to receive the treatment for three to five years.

    “Men on it for at least five years have that protective effect, so it is important to take it for a long time,” Nam said.

    The study could help men who would benefit from testosterone replacement by abating some of their worries about the controversial treatment.

    And men like Stephen – a patient who says his hormone deficiency was making him sluggish — have seen the benefits of the treatment first-hand.

    “More men will feel better,” he said. “It’s not going to make you superman, but it sure helps.”

    Nam said the study will help doctors determine whether testosterone replacement therapy is appropriate for their patients.

    It also emphasizes the need to closely monitor patients who have just started the treatment.

    But the findings may also compromise a number of class-action lawsuits launched throughout Canada and the United States by men who claim they’re been harmed by the treatment.

    But lawyer Jill S. McCartney said: “There’s constantly more questions being answered, more research to be done,” she said. “It’s a moving target.”

    Low testosterone affects about 20 per cent of men over the age of 60 and about half of men over 80.

    The study was conducted by a group of physicians from Ontario healthcare facilities, including Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and Mount Sinai Hospital, and highlighted at a American Urological Association meeting in San Diego. The study was funded by the Physicians’ Services Incorporated Foundation and Ajmera Family Chair in Urologic Oncology.

    Article Source: http://www.ctvnews.ca/health/long-term-treatment-key-to-safe-testosterone-replacement-therapy-study-1.2893711

    “The Greatest Health of Your Life”℠
    Boston Testosterone Partners
    National Testosterone Restoration for Men
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